enabley - deskless revolution

event by José António Correia and Boyan Yordanov

Free webinar before mid July 2022 

2.7 billion workers around the world are deskless. That's over 80% of the total workforce! But why are companies spending less than 1% of their enterprise software on these workers?

The deskless workforce are the essential workers who kept our economy running while most businesses shut down during the pandemic. They are the healthcare staff, factory workers, grocery store employees, freight and delivery workers, utilities and telecommunications technicians who come to your homes...

But among the deskless workforce we have great challenges that need to be recognized and solved.

  • Communication is harder
  • Loyalty and purpose run low
  • Turnover runs high
  • Compliance is critical
  • Risks and resentments are real

With more focus than ever before on health and wellbeing, and creating diverse, inclusive workforces - deskless workers deserve the same access to knowledge, learning and self-development, an amazing onboarding experience and an inclusive employee experience as the rest of the workforce.

If we want to retain and engage these employees to perform at their best, we need to change the status quo.

Please, join us at our interactive webinar to discover and explore the learning revolution for the deskless workers!

Event by José António Correia (Independant consultant) and Boyan Yordanov (Systain Group)

When: Tue, Jul 12, 2022,  16:00 UTC+2

Add the event to your: Google calendarOutlook calendar or Yahoo calendar


event on LInkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/enabley-desklessrevolution6949416101873111040/

Systain Group and Demand Driven Technologies
Strategic Partnership